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Vol PR716 du 2012-10-02 (envoyé le 2012-10-02 20:14:31)

Pilote nono8190
Appareil Boeing 737-800NGX PA
Type d'appareil MEJ
Nombre de passagers 127
Aéroport de départ LPPR - Francisco Sa Carneiro - Portugal
Aéroport d'arrivée LFML - Marseille/Provence - France
Poids du cargo 18935 lbs
Poids maximal au décollage 174700 lbs
Poids au décollage 160745 lbs
Poids à l'atterrissage 149367 lbs
Quantité de carburant au décollage 30213 lbs
Quantité de carburant à l'atterissage 18477 lbs
Heure GMT de départ 16:26:00
Heure locale de départ 17:25:00
Heure GMT d'arrivée 18:09:00
Heure locale d'arrivée 19:08:00
Durée de vol totale 01:48:40
Durée de vol de nuit 00:20:07
Durée de vol effective 01:38:17
Durée au sol 00:15:26
Distance parcourue 629 Nm
Altitude maximum 30101ft
Vitesse de croisière en noeuds 482 kt
Vitesse de croisière en mach 0.77
Vitesse d'atterrissage 122 kt
Inclinaison à l'atterrissage 13.04
Vitesse de toucher -654.61 ft/min
Résultat du vol boule_rouge boule_rouge boule_rouge
Opinion 59 %
Commentaires des passagers -Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were angry because you rolled off the runway upon arrival.
-Were anxious because they heard a loud sound coming from the rear of the aircraft upon landing.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Points de bonus 105
Descriptif des bonus You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
You flew from a hub to another hub. (+50)
You flew an aicraft of the fleet. (+25)
Points de malus 2150
Descriptif des malus You made a serious pilot error that resulted in a critical problem. (-800)
Landing so roughly that a tire explode is not a good idea. (-300)
You had a serious failure aboard and you forgot to call a mayday. (-350)
You made a very hard landing at -654 ft/mn and the aircraft sustained damage. (-400)
You flared too much on landing and your tail struck the ground. (-300)
Descriptif des pannes The pilot used excessive pitch when landing the aircraft and the tail struck the ground. The pilot landed roughly causing one tire to explode.
Descriptif des pertes
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