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Vol PR902 du 2024-03-10 (envoyé le 2024-03-10 09:13:07)

Pilote missiledrait
Appareil Concorde (Capt) AF FB
Type d'appareil MEJ
Nombre de passagers 100
Aéroport de départ LFPG - Charles-de-Gaulle - France
Aéroport d'arrivée LSZB - Belp - Switzerland
Poids du cargo 23798 lbs
Poids maximal au décollage 408075 lbs
Poids au décollage 406968 lbs
Poids à l'atterrissage 365321 lbs
Quantité de carburant au décollage 193109 lbs
Quantité de carburant à l'atterissage 148883 lbs
Heure GMT de départ 10:25:00
Heure locale de départ 11:25:00
Heure GMT d'arrivée 11:10:00
Heure locale d'arrivée 12:10:00
Durée de vol totale 00:45:02
Durée de vol de nuit 00:00:00
Durée de vol effective 00:40:56
Durée au sol 00:04:23
Distance parcourue 234 Nm
Altitude maximum 29963ft
Vitesse de croisière en noeuds 504 kt
Vitesse de croisière en mach 0.78
Vitesse d'atterrissage 192 kt
Inclinaison à l'atterrissage 11.54
Vitesse de toucher -817.69 ft/min
Résultat du vol boule_rouge boule_rouge
Opinion 51 %
Commentaires des passagers -Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous landing.
-Were anxious because they heard a loud sound coming from the rear of the aircraft upon landing.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Points de bonus 595
Descriptif des bonus There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+400)
You flew from or to one hub. (+20)
You flew an aicraft of the fleet. (+25)
Points de malus 700
Descriptif des malus You didn't land at the scheduled airport HECA but since you were conducting an emergency you will not receive a penalty.
You made a very hard landing at -817 ft/mn and the aircraft sustained damage. (-400)
You flared too much on landing and your tail struck the ground. (-300)
Descriptif des pannes One engine developed a problem, at first only a slight loss of power was noticeable with oil temperature rising. The solution in such cases can be to lower the power slightly down to the point where the oil temperature stabilizes, however this was not done resulting in complete engine failure. The pilot used excessive pitch when landing the aircraft and the tail struck the ground.
Descriptif des pertes
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