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Vol PR697 du 2011-11-08 (envoyé le 2011-11-08 18:36:42)

Pilote frenchie
Appareil Airbus A380-861 clean
Type d'appareil MEJ
Nombre de passagers 383
Aéroport de départ FMEE - Gillot - Reunion
Aéroport d'arrivée UTST - Termez - Uzbekistan
Poids du cargo 9854 lbs
Poids maximal au décollage 1234997 lbs
Poids au décollage 1233697 lbs
Poids à l'atterrissage 697829 lbs
Quantité de carburant au décollage 546002 lbs
Quantité de carburant à l'atterissage 10050 lbs
Heure GMT de départ 09:49:00
Heure locale de départ 12:48:00
Heure GMT d'arrivée 17:32:00
Heure locale d'arrivée 21:31:00
Durée de vol totale 07:39:44
Durée de vol de nuit 03:33:17
Durée de vol effective 07:38:34
Durée au sol 00:02:37
Distance parcourue 3,556 Nm
Altitude maximum 30006ft
Vitesse de croisière en noeuds 498 kt
Vitesse de croisière en mach 0.80
Vitesse d'atterrissage 97 kt
Inclinaison à l'atterrissage 9.21
Vitesse de toucher -546.15 ft/min
Résultat du vol etoile etoile etoile
Opinion 100 %
Commentaires des passagers -Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were anxious because they flew over a war risk zone.
-Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.26).
-Were angry because some passengers were badly injured.
-Were terrified because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Points de bonus 3900
Descriptif des bonus There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+3600)
Flying in a combat area and a safe landing. (+100)
You flew from or to one hub. (+20)
Points de malus 0
Descriptif des malus
Descriptif des pannes One engine was damaged by small arms fire coming from the ground and ceased to function. The right fuel tank was hit by a ground shot and lost all of it's fuel. The left fuel tank was hit by a ground shot and lost all of it's fuel. The vacuum system was hit by a ground shot. The hydraulic system was hit by a ground shot resulting in total loss of all hydraulic systems. The electrical systems were hit by a ground shot resulting in a complete electrical systems failure. Your aircraft received a few ground shots. The aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft artillery fire resulting in a massive hull rupture.
Descriptif des pertes
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